
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Confession by: Frank O'Connor (Ireland)

What I think the literature says about the region its from is that first off is this guy who wrote the short story is trying to create comedy with religion... Also that they take confession really seriously and that they should always tell the priest everything in confession when committing a sin. Irish people take religion very seriously, they love their church, they are very committed with going to the services and helping people. It says that their religion is a very important part of their everyday lives and that you should be nice to your parents/ grandparents, cousins, siblings EVERYBODY!

I don't really go to church but I received my first Communion or however you spell it so I think I'm Catholic or Christian? The church I used to go to would have Sunday school and they created plays of all the things in the bible and then there was the actual mass. There was always these church fairs, weddings, games, and just alot going on in my church. During the service time the priest talks the WHOLE time for like 2 hours. The church's beliefs is I don't know anymore because I stopped going to church when my parents got divorced.

-Wendy Marie

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